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Brand Personas: Getting in the Role
The term 'persona' comes from the Latin word for mask. And when you talk about wearing a mask or acting out a persona, you might equate that with pretending to be something you're not. It sounds like something contrived or disingenuous. But the fact is, we all have a...
Introducing Brand Archetypes: An accessible overview
You may have heard about archetypes as something invented by the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung. But he didn't so much invent archetypes as discover them. Archetypes have been around as long as music, religion and storytelling. They are not only subconscious but also...
Brand Voice: Art and science in business communication
Brand Voice is something a lot of business owners struggle with, especially in small businesses where the business owner is the face of the company. It's not that they lack the communication skills or the confidence to say what they believe. To deliver a message with...
How to set up your Chiropractic Family Practice
Give your brand a boost with these tips for decorating your office.In this article we’re going to take a look at what branding in your office could look like. For this, we picked two different brands - one is bright, clean and modern, the other is warm, rustic and...