Change is difficult. It’s so much easier to coast along in cruise control. But change is also inevitable. And nowhere more so than in business. Just when you think you’ve got everything in your business dialed in just the way you want it, it’s time...
When small business owners study brand strategy and look at examples of excellent brands, their first reaction is, “Sure, if I had a company the size of FedEx and an in-house marketing team that occupied three floors, I could build a revolutionary brand, too. But how...
Everybody seems to have a different understanding of what a Brand Strategy is, how to develop one, and how to implement one. Some people think it’s a marketing plan, and others believe it’s little more than your logo and color palette. In fact, it’s...
Storytelling is something relatively new in the arena of brand strategy. At the same time, storytelling has always been with us and always will be. But a lot of advertising misses the point when it comes to brand storytelling. So how can businesses use storytelling to...
The term ‘persona’ comes from the Latin word for mask. And when you talk about wearing a mask or acting out a persona, you might equate that with pretending to be something you’re not. It sounds like something contrived or disingenuous. But the fact...